Ann Marie Arment | Communications Committee Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee
Laura Lucas | Fundraising Committee Chair, Programs & Events Committee Chair
Stan Cutler | Programs Committee & Events Committee
Lynne Brown |Fundraising Committee
Karen Freedman | Secretary, Gardens Committee Chair, Programs Committee
Jan LeSuer | President, Advocacy Committee Chair, Programs & Events Committee
Prather O’Donnell | Librarian, Programs & Events Committee, Gardens Committee, Advocacy Committee
Rona Sisson | Vice President, Governance Committee
John Autin | Communications Co-Chair, Finance Committee, Governance Committee
Tiffany Kim | Treasurer, Finance Committee, Fundraising Committee
To preside over and conduct meetings, to appoint all committees, except as limited herein, and to be ex-officio a member of the committees.
Vice President
To perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and to assist the President as requested.
To keep and maintain the financial records of the organization and support Committees with planning and solicitation and dues, contributions and gifts.
To record attendance at all meetings and to take and distribute minutes of all meetings. To notify the Board of Director of the time and place of meetings.
Fundraising Committee: Discusses fundraising lead of all types (grant, gov, corporate, individual), supports fundraising events, and coordinates on individual donor strategy.
Programs & Events: Cultivate community engagement and lifelong learning with fun, interesting, and enriching programs. This committee works on both ongoing programs and one-time. Eg. game nights, author events, resume-writing etc. Events might be at Library or Hilltop Books.
Gardens Committee: Responsible for planning and maintaining the library garden, indoor plantings, and holiday decorations. The committee also promotes the use of the garden by the Library, Friends, and the community at-large.
Communications Committee: Supports coordinated communication across platforms/outlets to ensure Friends has a positive reputation, easily understood mission, and consistent brand. The Communications committee pitches in to promote events, programs, sales etc.
Advocacy Committee: Promotes full funding of public libraries and investing in libraries and the resources that they provide. This group coordinates with other branches and also responds to new needs, with an interest in making libraries and their resources accessible to everyone.
Finance Committee: Ensures that FoCHL meets its financial obligations as a nonprofit, ensures the organization stays on budget and makes financially sound and sustainable decisions that are aligned with the mission to support the CH Library.
Copyright © 2024 Chestnut Hill Library Friends - All Rights Reserved.
84 Bethlehem Pike, Philadelphia PA 19118
Store Phone: 215-315-8588