Your book donations have allowed us to open Hilltop Books and support the Friends of Chestnut Hill Library. Thank you.
We accept book donations weekly on Thursday afternoons between 1 and 4pm.
More details below.
What types of books do you accept?
We accept books across many genres, but in every case donated books must be in good condition. Our rule of thumb is that your donation should be of a quality that you would repurchase or give to a friend you're trying to impress. We accept trade paperbacks and hardbacks. We are especially appreciative of current titles across genres (the most popular is fiction) and kids books.
What types of books do you NOT accept?
We cannot accept books that are badly yellowed, torn, written in or water-damaged. Also, we do not accept encyclopedias, outdated reference materials (eg. travel guides), periodicals, textbooks, legal books, or Bibles .
When/where can I bring my donations?
Volunteers are available to receive donations of 4 or fewer containers of books on Thursdays from 1-4pm. You do not need to call ahead if you have 4 or fewer boxes of books to donate.
Please bring your books to our sorting building at 97 Bethlehem Pike - the stone building with the red door across the street from the store.
If you are unable to bring your donation during our regular donation hours, or if you have a large donation, please schedule a drop off with us. We cannot accept donations all days/hours, but will work with you to set up an appointment. We cannot accept donations on the weekends.
How should I pack my donations?
We appreciate your donations contained in something easily recyclable - such as cardboard boxes or paper bags.
Please do not use disposable plastic bags.
The container should be packed in such a way that it can be stacked, and not so large that an average volunteer will have trouble lifting it.
If you are donating more than one container, we are especially grateful for books packaged by category or genre. This eases work for our volunteers.
If you have a large donation and/or cannot bring books during our regular donation drop-off hours, please schedule an appointment in advance.